Outdoor Outfitters Cardboard Targets Large A3 10X Pack

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Product Description
Paper Targets - Bullseye Type.

Great for shooting at with your air rifle or pistol.
Optimal distance: 25-50 metre Air Rifle or Pistol Targets.
High definition large size paper targets.
Dimensions: 300mm x 420mm 

How To Use The Chart
Important - Your rifle should be shot from a well-padded rest, under calm wind conditions, resting forearm, not barrel on pad.

Four Steps to adjust micrometer and telescope sights

1.       Locate on the chart the exact centre of at least three carefully fired shots, using the same hold and sight setting. For example, suppose the centre of group is small circle in the upper right hand quarter of the chart, identified by the arrow.

2.       Following the vertical lineOutdoor Outfitters come to the figure 3L. This means that to bring the next group onto the vertical centre line requires that you move your rear sight 3 minutes of angle to the LEFT. If your sight reads in minutes-of-angle this means you must give it 3 clicks to the LEFT. If in 1/2 minutes-of-angle, 6 clicks and if in 1/4 minutes-of-angle, 12 clicks.

3.       Now follow the horizontal line to the edge of the chart andOutdoor Outfitters come to the figure 3D. This means you must move DOWN the sight 3 minutes-of-angle to bring your next group onto the horizontal centre line.

4.       If your aim was steady and correct on the first group and no puff of win blew any of your shots out of the group, your next group should be in and around the 10 ring. Your rifle is then sighted in for the range and ammunition used.


NOTE: Changing your sight 1 minute-of-angle makes a change in where the bullet strikes 1/2 inch at 5 yards, 1 inch at 100 yards, 1 1/2 inches at 150 yards and 2 inches at 200 yards. Fire your group slowly, and let the rifle cool for a few minutes between groups.

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