Your lead-free alternative to the classic ball sinker
Fishos are 10x more likely to have elevated blood lead levels and one of the culprits are lead based sinkers.
Meet the Thirty-Seven REDO Drop Series Lead-Free Ball Sinker - a sinker that's lead-free, non-toxic, and comes in recyclable packaging.
Made of high-density alloy steel, this sinker is comparable to the cost and density of lead - without the toxicity.
Meaning you’re free to fish without worrying about harmful effects on your health or the environment.
The Thirty-Seven REDO Drop Series Lead-Free Ball Sinker features a through-hole that allows it to slide freely on your line.
This makes it suitable for general bait fishing, live-baiting or freshwater fishing.
Grab a pack as you welcome a safe and sustainable way to fish.
Thirty-Seven REDO Drop Series Lead-Free Ball Sinker Features:
Classic ball sinker
Hole for free sliding rigs
Dense CoreForge Steel
100% non-toxic
Advanced durability
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