interVOLT Mini Isolated Switchmode Power Conditioner 12-12 Vdc 7 amp

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interVOLT's SPCi Power Conditioners Isolated Mini are condensed version of the tried and proven Maxi Series range packed with all the same features and benefits. They are in fact a converter, stabilizer, isolator and regulator all built into a single innovative package.

Like Intervolt's SVCi converter range, these units feature galvanic isolation with no common connectivity between the input and the output whatsoever. This means peace-of-mind when connecting sensitive and often expensive, high-end electronic equipment to the output.

Housed in interVOLT's new Mini Series enclosure which is not only stylish but compact, efficient and installer friendly.

ModelIsolatedInput VoltageOutput VoltageContinuous Rating
SPCi121207Yes10 - 16VDC12.5/13.6VDC7 Amps @ 30 degreesC
SPCi242405Yes17 - 33VDC25.0/27.2VDC5 Amps @ 30 degreesC


Unique to interVOLT, is the self diagnosing electronics. This design provides valuable feedback to installers and operators alike. An LED displays the system status and will indicate standby power, low input voltage, over temperature, overload and output short circuit.

interVOLT converters feature a range of devices designed to protect the electronics from various connection and application problems. The units are protected against short circuit, overloading and excessive temperature. An internal fuse protects the electronics in the event of component failure.

A key feature of the interVOLT mini series range is performance. Designed to operate in high ambient temperatures under constant load, the mini series delivers every time. Precise voltage regulation, superior noise filtering and excellent efficiency round off the performance package.

interVOLT converters comply with Australian and European standards for electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC), displaying both the C' Tick and CE' marks. These approvals are supported by independent examination from a certified testing house. Our Declaration of Conformity is available upon request.

A key feature of the new interVOLT SVCi mini series range is the input to output isolation. Galvanic isolation ensures there is no physical connectivity between the input and output terminals providing many benefits including elimination of line interference, greater protection, better regulation and improved performance.

Continuous Load Rating @ 30 degreesC
7 Amps @ 13.6VDC5 Amps @ 27.2VDC
Peak Load Rating @ 30 degreesC10 Amps @ 13.6VDC7 Amps @ 27.2VDC
Length Overall170mm (6.690)170mm (6.690)
Width Overall80mm  (3.150)80mm  (3.150)
Height Overall40mm (1.575)40mm (1.575)
Weight418 grams (14.75 oz)418 grams (14.75 oz)
Input Voltage Range10 - 16VDC17 - 33VDC
Output Voltage - Low Setting12.5 VDC nominal25.0 VDC nominal
Output Voltage - High Setting13.6 VDC nominal27.2 VDC nominal
Standby Current Draw<20mA
Power Conversion Efficiency @ 30 degreesC
Typically 93%
Output RippleLess than 20mV Peak to Peak
Operating Temperature-25 degreesC to + 45 degreesC
Operating HumidityIdeally less than 90%
Enclosure MaterialMarine grade aluminium dye anodised
End Cap MaterialInjection moulded electrical grade ABS/PC plastic
Terminal Cover MaterialExtruded temperature resistant ABS
Diagnostic IndicatorTri-colour LED - monitoring input voltage, overload, short circuit and temperature.
Transient Voltage ProtectionFiltering - Purpose designed circuit
Overload/Short Circuit ProtectionShutdown - Current sensing circuit (automatic reset)
Input Under Voltage ProtectionShutdown - Voltage sensing circuit (automatic reset)
Over Temperature ProtectionShutdown - Temperature sensing circuit (automatic reset)
Output Over Voltage ProtectionInternal Fuse - Zener crowbar circuit (not user serviceable)
Input Reverse Polarity ProtectionInternal Fuse - Diode bypass circuit (not user serviceable)
TerminationPower - 6-32 UNC H/D screw terminal. Auxiliary - Euro terminal block
Conformity EMC - Australian AS/NZS CISPR 11. European EN55011.International CISPR 11 and IEC61204-3.
CertificationEMC - Australian C Tick mark and European CE mark

Product Data Sheet

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