Buck Gardner Polycarbonate 6-in-1 Mallard Call Drake Whistle

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Versatile and easy to use

Add versatility and realism to your duck calling by mixing in drake mallard quacks, pintail whistles, and more. The Buck Gardner Polycarbonate 6-in-1 Mallard Call Drake Whistle is easy to use and a must-have for every duck hunter, and it has a larger bell end to cast greater volume than many whistles on the market. It's also a great call to give to kids or hunting guests that don't blow a duck call to make them part of the hunt. Replicates drake mallards, pintail, wigeon, teal, wood duck whistles, and even bobwhite quail. Buck has been known to use this call for sandhill crane and as a dog whistle when he left his at home.

Mallard Drake
Place the mouthpiece of the call between your lips and hold it with your front teeth. Say the word "Dweeeeet" into the call as deeply as you possibly can. Another method is to hum or buzz the word "Whaaaat" into the call. This will mimic the raspy quack of a Drake Mallard.

Place the mouthpiece between your lips and hold it with your front teeth. With your hand, hold the outside edge of the bell end with your thumb and ring finger and use your middle finger to block the hole in the end of the call. This will force all the air/sound to come out the top hole. To make the pintail sound, blow into the call while rolling your tongue to make a trilling sound that kind of sounds like a short blast from a police whistle. Make short bursts of this trilling sound to sound like a group of pintails. The cadence should be somewhat erratic – peep, (pause) peep, (pause) peep-peep-peep

Place the mouthpiece loosely between your lips and hold it with your front teeth and say the words "who WE who" into the call. Your emphasis should be on the WE syllable. Do this several times to sound like a flock of noisy wigeons.

Place the mouthpiece between your lips and hold it with your front teeth and let out the smallest sharp burst of air possible making the call produce a "chirp". Repeat this several times to sound like a greenwing teal. The cadence should be varied and erratic – "chirp (pause) chirp-chirp (pause) chirp."

Wood Duck
Place the mouthpiece loosely between your lips and hold it with your front teeth. Say the word "TooWheeeeeeeeeet" into the call to produce the contented whine of a wood duck. When calling wood ducks, always mimic the sounds they make while resting on the water. Never make the screeching sounds they make while flying, as this is an alarm call.

Bobwhite Quail
Place the mouthpiece between your lips and hold it with your front teeth. With your hand, hold the outside edge of the bell end with your thumb and ring finger and use your middle finger to block the hole in the end of the call. This will force all the air/sound to come out the top hole. Say the words "Bob, Bob, White" into the call. As you are saying the word "White" into the call, move your middle finger slightly away from blocking the hole and it will produce the "gather up" call of a bobwhite quail.

Buck Gardner Polycarbonate 6-in-1 Mallard Call Drake Whistle Features:
  • Replicates drake mallard quacks, pintail whistles, wigeon whistles, wood duck whistles, teal whistles, and even bobwhite quail
  • Large bell for casting more volume
  • Easy to learn, making it great for passing out to new hunters so they can be a part of the hunt
  • Especially effective on late-season ducks
  • Polycarbonate body

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